"Reality is the leading cause of stress for those in touch with it." ~JW
People deal with stress on a daily basis, and it effects everyone differently. Some get angry, some get tired, some get emotional. It all depends on how much stress you have and who you are as a person. Thinking of things through another perspective can really open your eye's to reality though. Think of something stressful you've gone through the past week, couldn't pay a bill? failed a test? just haven't gotten enough sleep? Now think about the people who don't have a mailbox to send mail too, who were never able to be educated, and who don't have a bed to sleep in. Letting things like this sink in make you broaden your mind to what life really is, a series of struggles. Those who ignore life and what is going on around them aren't really living, you have to see things for what they really are and learn from them. Smile for all the little stuff, laugh for the small pleasures, and enjoy the time you've got because who knows when your time is up. Be thankful for the things you have and the things you are able to achieve and you will go far.
I feel like everybody realizes this, but doesn't think about it, so they don't act on it. But when they do think about it, they feel guilty about not acting on it all along. We need to find a way to remind people of this everyday.